Our members are recognized for quality home care.
Accolades & Affiliations
Home care services provided by our members have consistently proven to be of high quality throughout the nation.
Want to know what level of training you can expect from us?
Home care agencies associated with The Senior’s Choice are among the top performers in their respective markets when it comes to overall client satisfaction.
What does this mean for you?
It goes to show that when you provide caring and talented professionals with outstanding training and proven operating systems and support, good things are bound to happen.
“The Senior’s Choice’s Founder, Steve Everhart, is the reason I decided to open my own home care business nearly 20-years ago, and the rest is history. Steve is one of the pioneers in the home care industry and wonderful mentor of mine to this day.” – Aaron Marcum, Former TSC Member and Founder of Home Care Pulse
Our Members Consistently Provide Unsurpassed Care
In a recent benchmark survey conducted by Home Care Pulse, a third-party private duty home care survey company, senior care business owners trained by our team are consistently among the top performers in the nation when it comes to client satisfaction scores.
In fact, Aaron J. Marcum, President and Founder of Home Care Pulse, declared that on average, senior care entrepreneurs trained by our team “score at or above ‘Best of Home Care’ in all 13 categories. None of the other groups we rate as a whole are ‘Best of Home Care’ in all categories within client satisfaction…an impressive stat!”