Your home care company can provide the best possible care to your clients, but people won’t know about you if you don’t have the right marketing plan. Whether you are starting a home care business or trying to grow your agency, make sure you avoid these top 10 marketing mistakes for home care. The Senior’s Choice has all the tools to help you do just that.

Top 10 Marketing Mistakes for Home Care and How The Senior’s Choice Can Help You Avoid Them

1.  Failure to differentiate yourself. You’re just like all the rest.
·       The Senior’s Choice (TSC) has those programs that can help you differentiate yourself from your competition.

2.  Failure to track and measure your results. Clueless about what works and what doesn’t.
·       We know what Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are essential to track and can help you to track them easily and modify your systems that aren’t working.

3.  Failure to understand your customers’ needs.
·       We have proven systems that help to always be aware of your customers’ needs.

4.  Failure to explain the benefits of your services and what’s in it for them.
·       Our materials and training will help you feel comfortable talking with clients and referral partners so that they truly understand what’s in it for them.

5.  Failure to let your marketing strategies and tactics succeed by stopping them too early.
·       Our proven marketing and tracking systems help to ensure marketing success.

6. Failure to have a marketing plan of action or a plan that lacks specificity.
·      We help you align your marketing plan with your goals so that you can track the progress of both.

7. Failure to follow the plan and have built-in rewards and consequences of meeting or falling short of the plan.
·      We help you set up specific goals that can have rewards and consequences for yourself.

8. Failure to follow up with referral partners (and potential referral partners) on a frequent and recurring basis.
·      TSC has the right forms and documentation to ensure you are continually nurturing your referral partners.

9. Failure to step out of your comfort zone and do things that make you squirm: like public presentations, for example.
·      We have all the materials to help you succeed when you step out of your comfort zone. We can even help you to practice with our team.

10. Failure to ask for the business, including referral partners, why they are not giving you referrals (or more referrals).
·       Our materials and training help you feel comfortable asking your referral partners for those referrals.

Avoiding these mistakes when starting or growing a home care business, can make or break you. The Senior’s Choice marketing systems will set you up for success and help you to reach your home care agency’s goals so much faster.

Want to learn more? Check out all The Senior’s Choice has to offer or go ahead and contact us to learn more.


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