One of the biggest mistakes owners make is not realizing that their business would be far more valuable – and far less stressful to run – if it could thrive without them. Don’t miss this wonderful webinar/discussion on How to Grow a Business That Can Run Without You.
Wednesday, May 4th, 9am PT / 10am MT / 11am CT / 12pm ET
Some of our members whose businesses have been successful without them will share some input and insight. We will also look at ten techniques to help you move your business in this direction.
Those ten areas include 1. Hiring the right people for the right position. 2. Aligning your employees with company goals. 3. Ensuring sound processes are in place. 4. Helping employees to be accountable. 5. Letting people make decisions and fail. 6. Embracing technology. 7. Looking at what ties you to the company. 8. Celebrating successes. 9. Giving your employees a stake in the game (when you do well, they do well). 10. Investing in your staff.
Setting up your business so it can run without you will allow you to make a life as an entrepreneur, not just a living. It’s your ticket to freeing up time to enjoy your life rather than spend every waking minute working on or worrying about your business. Plus, it is vital if you intend to sell it someday.
I put together several helpful articles. Be sure to take a look at them on the TSC download board before the call.
Articles about: How To Grow a Business That Can Run Without You
Looking to Improve Your Home Care Agency?
There’s so much more you can do to set up your business to run itself right from the beginning. If you would like to learn more, please contact us here at The Senior’s Choice. For over 20 years, we’ve helped home care agencies owners like you, learn to work “on” the business instead of “in” the business.
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